Worst (and Best) Fairy Tail Ships
Title explains all You can request ships if you want This is just my opinion Don't take offence plz THIS BOOK IS FOR FUN AND IS (for the most part) A JOKE [WARNING] Contains Cursing and Ichiya's face
Title explains all You can request ships if you want This is just my opinion Don't take offence plz THIS BOOK IS FOR FUN AND IS (for the most part) A JOKE [WARNING] Contains Cursing and Ichiya's face
When Modnar the weird god rises from the depths of Tartarsauce, he plunges the world into weird. The weirdocalypse is crazy, terrifying, and just plain weird. Living your days in constant fear and confusion. Tsunamis of chicken nuggets. Velociraptors in suits. And worst of all, HE CHANGED YOUR WIFI PASSWORD! (Updates...
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