Burnt Cigarettes [Baekhyun]
He ignored the signs and she perished like her burnt cigarettes.
He ignored the signs and she perished like her burnt cigarettes.
Shake'nBaek: bitCh whT da Hell I gavE birth to you LooseTae?: prOoof ma dUde?? Yeollow: not again ehwkwkwk SpicySuga: da fuck you're the one who started this GucciJen: *watches enthusiastically* Wendyland: *brings popcorn*
I don't know how I ended up in this situation, but I love him and I can't see my life without him. "The scars and seemingly sloppy love bites that trailed my body were the only things I had left ."
|| BenAHoe: We should smash 100/100 Yoongi: Wait what? Yoongi: You still haven't answered my question. Who are you? ||