"你很霸道诶。" "没有。我只对你一个人霸道。"
《玺欢你的温柔》的第二季啊 上一季,一点都不虐对不对!这一季,厉害了,多了一个小帅哥--陈达安!虐不虐?虐不虐?你猜啊~不想猜?好啊,那你按开看咯~ 哈哈,谢谢支持~喜欢的话别忘了给小星星啊~么么~
Natalie Chambers didn't know about her father's gang, that is until he sold her. What Natalie didn't know is that he sold her to, one of the most dangerous gang leaders around. Carter Grayson. {PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY IDEAS} Achievements #12 in Romance
Fiction Awards 2018 Winner in Best Teen Fiction Story, Best Humour Story & Best Wattpad book turned published! Book 1 in the Rules series. Available on Amazon. Ranked #1 in Teen Fiction & Completed on 05/11/2017 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ''Whatever you're thinking of doing right now. It's not a good idea,'' I hardly said...
@tfboysfans_lovekrj @ff.for.tfboys 原創 勿盜文 虛構 「我是你手中的玩具 還是真心對待的人?」 一切來得太突然,快得像龍捲風 當我反應過來的時候已經愛上了你 可在你的背後,到底藏了多少秘密? 從頭到尾,你都把我當玩具 而我的回報是,你的拋棄 玩具骯髒了就不再美麗; 感情破壞了就沒法重來。 易烊千璽,我在你心中是什麼樣的地位?
即將展開大學生活的王晨寧,在高三升大學的暑假回到了小村莊。 一場大雨,讓她彷彿時光倒流似的,遇見了初二時暗戀的男孩易烊千璽,但男孩當初開朗溫暖的笑,卻消失的無影無蹤... 王晨寧 村子裡人見人愛的女孩, 心裡一直惦記著當初一起躲雨的男孩。 易烊千璽 原本個性開朗溫暖, 但經過了一些事後變得高冷了起來。 易烊千楠 像陽光一樣無法抵擋, 話多到可以說個三天三夜不會停。 王源 晨寧的弟弟,吃貨一枚, 有點兒自戀,笑起來很有魅力。 馥曉芮 晨寧的同學,瘋瘋癲癲的, 帶給身旁的朋友很多歡樂。 顧熙 嘴巴像把刀似的, 總是戳入要害,等待那個玫瑰花男孩。 王俊凱 他迷人有才華,但不花心, 愛上了便會默默付出到底。
易初樱是年龄最小的设计师(14岁)。这位活泼开朗的女孩子很意外的是.. 他尽然是TFBOYS易烊千玺的亲妹妹。 王俊凯是个组合叫TFBOYS的队长也是粉粉的大哥。也算是王源和易烊千玺的大哥。王俊凯个性善良、很酷又很帅气。 那如果这两人应为命运而见面。 那么命运会不会让他们变成一对呢? 就期待这小说。
你不記得沒關係, 我會跟你創造新的回憶, 只要妳還在的一天, 我永遠不會忘記-王俊凱 我忘了你, 是好還是壞? 你越靠近我越危險, 相愛很難-林婷羽 只要我還在的一天, 沒有人能夠從我身邊搶走你, 王俊凱是我的-白洢依 以上是目前本小說的主要角色💞 歡迎各位批評指教 更新時間不定 請多多支持 按 ★☆
如果千玺是学霸,那许语就是学神! 如果千玺是高冷,那许语就是一座冰山! 那如果千玺喜欢许语,许语...会接受吗? 在这个错的时间里,遇到了对的人,应该去抓紧这个缘分吗?还是,等待对的时间,并且在等待的时间里,默默的守护这个人呢?
他和她的青春,重现在脑中。 "我的青春因你而美好。此生遇见你,是我最大的幸运。我们下辈子,也要做夫妻,也要相爱。很庆幸,我们能够相守。" "爱上你我从不后悔,我们相爱,我就此生无憾了。我的女孩,我爱你,太爱你。" 身边的人可以离她而去,可他会一直再她身后陪着她。 "你有我就好 , 有我爱着你就好了。" 他们说青春最美好。 爱有错吗? 可是每个人都想爱啊。 是啊 , 谁不想和爱人相爱相守? 可是终究你只能和一个人白头偕老不是吗? 他们曾经是最风光的易少和易少夫人 , 大名鼎鼎 , 赫赫有名 , 名不虚传。 树大招风。 她无非就是他的死穴。 后来他决定了,这一切风光的名头他不稀罕,他甘愿把她干脆藏起来,那些人就再也触不到她。 人心...
When just a kiss started off everything... or was it the bubblegum? Raven and Jackson. They were meant to be- Friends, of course. Been there for each other since they could remember. Well, that is, until love came to fight with friendship, turning Raven's world in a new direction. How is it that after so many years, J...
Reality seem to really like Raven. Actually... come to think of it, never mind. Raven has always wanted but never expected to meet Tfboys, much less live with them. Jackson Yi, especially, gets her heart fluttering and blood rushing. But he also confuses Raven. One second he's quiet and cold on broadcast, the other he...
"i will gladly yeorojwo my legs for you, mr. kang." in which kang daniel gets inappropriate texts from a desperate noona that thirsts for his attention. [lower case intended. an english epistolary. 1st book in TYPES OF FANS SERIES.]
just a few imagines on the produce 101 and wannaone😉
You woke up to the scent of crispy bacon and pancakes being cooked. You sat up and noticed that your boyfriend wasn’t next to you. You got up and went straight to the area where the smell was coming from. The kitchen. You walked in and saw your boyfriend Jimin cooking. "Hey babe" he greeted you with a kiss. "Damn, you...
You're finally leaving your boyfriend, Hwan Gun. Not only because the relationship wasn't working and he was treating you unfairly, but you had come to love someone else. Your best friend, in fact... Park Jimin...
One year has passed since the incident and everything was going well for you, but what about Jimin and the rest? This is the sequel to the Jimin X Reader Text Imagine story, but this will contain more drama and even some Twitter posts here and there.