Bella the Vampire Slayer
Every time a Slayer dies, another one is called. Well, one Slayer has died and now Isabella Swan will be called. Can she defeat evil with the help of Buffy, Willow, and Xander? Spike/Bella & Edward/Bella
Every time a Slayer dies, another one is called. Well, one Slayer has died and now Isabella Swan will be called. Can she defeat evil with the help of Buffy, Willow, and Xander? Spike/Bella & Edward/Bella
Presumed human used to date the historic vampire Angel, Sam who also is a vampire gets sent to Sunnydale to watch over the Slayer, but being warned already that Spike, even though he has killed two Slayers, was there she still went in scratching up a spark with him once again after they knew each other for some decade...
Zoey Francis is Xander and Willow's best friend, and when Buffy gets to town, she is Buffy's best friend. She used to be Cordelia's best friend, but she realized that being best friends with Cordelia was like getting your head blown off. And she's human, but she's not defenseless. She'll do anything to protect her f...
As soon as J.K. Rowling released new information about Ilvermorny, a North American Wizarding School, the Harry Potter fandom bursted with life once more. However the topic is heated in debates, here I try to collect different ideas from around the internet in a book to reveal the ideas of the fans. Every chapter is...
At the age of eighteen, everyone's blood changes colour. Whether it becomes blue, green or otherwise, the colour is either hereditary or a random, biological selection. However, when Pearl Damocles discovers that her blood is colourless - in a society where people are segregated by blood colour -, she travels to an i...
Isabella is a huge pop/punk star known around the world. She's getting ready to go on tour, that is if it isn't cancelled. Everyone that her label keeps sticking her with to do this world tour, Isabella manages to piss off because their too prissy or they complain about everything or they just aren't someone that she...