In a world of human-like creatures called ColorCodes, a girl named Luna must learn to trust again in her new school, accept herself as a pansexual girl, try to fit in and forget her past troubles with socialism.
In a world of human-like creatures called ColorCodes, a girl named Luna must learn to trust again in her new school, accept herself as a pansexual girl, try to fit in and forget her past troubles with socialism.
This is MLP: Fan music, Parodies, And Remixes. TO SEE VIDEO,...SCROLL DOWN idea by: @crazyfangirl456 DISCLAMER: I do not own anything
"You can never truly defeat darkness. You can only keep it at bay." The War Of Equestria was never supposed to happen. Twilight saw it when she time traveled with Starlight. So how did it begin? The answer is the Elements of Disharmony. It's been one year since the events that occured at Canterlot with the previo...
Sunset Shimmer has an important decision that will determine her fate. Will she go back to her home land Equestria, leaving Twilight in charge of her element, or stay at the land she calls home?