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  • Hot Waffles » Zarry ✅
    46.7K 2.3K 28

    (Sequel to sHe) Zayn/Veronica Malik and his husband Harry Styles are on the cusp of signing a contract to make the lives of their rich family a new reality show. While Harry is more than thrilled to participate, Zayn's not too happy about putting on a show for the world simply because he occasionally wears dresses and...

  • Loosen Your Grip For I am not Yours [Zarry]
    32.5K 1.6K 13

    "You're jumping so high and expect me to do the same ... But I'm not ready"

  • Royals
    23.3K 1.3K 15

    Mistakes are made, secrets are exposed, blood is spilled, and rumors run free. It's all for one cause ... Survival.

  • Empty - Zarry
    15.2K 936 11

    When you are surrounded by nothing but darkness ... You start to remember.

  • Bought by him. (Zarry underage)
    115K 3.2K 15

    Harry is amazingly rich. too rich for his own goo to be exact. he has his friends, Liam, Niall, and Louis who are also rich. he has herd about this auction in the next town over. its not like any auction you've herd of before. this auction is selling children and Harry wants one for a slave. everyone knows Harry style...