In the Shadow of the Valley of Death /Maniggy\
No tenemos futuro el cielo no se hizo para mí nos quemamos en el infierno tan rápido como puede ser y yo deseo que pudiera ser un rey entonces sabría que no estoy solo
No tenemos futuro el cielo no se hizo para mí nos quemamos en el infierno tan rápido como puede ser y yo deseo que pudiera ser un rey entonces sabría que no estoy solo
Twiggy gets hired to be apart of the band Marilyn Manson (Sara, Madonna, Daisy, and Marilyn). The band are starting to record Smells Like Children EP. Changes go through, like a new drummer. Marilyn, as the front man, creates the look of the band and becomes controlling. Maybe it's the worship of his fans or knowing h...
Brian Warner aka Marilyn Manson becomes your permanent teacher. Unsaid things and wanting takes over and Marilyn needs nothing but you. Your blood that is. You soon find out his secret, will things be the same ?