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  • Shadows | Regulus Black
    875K 22.4K 69

    Madeline Potter. James Potters sister, very similar yet very different from each other. They were always very close growing up, and that didn't change much when they went to Hogwarts. Madeline never really wanted to get into a relationship, she got around instead, that is until she fell for Regulus Black. Started Oc...

  • apples
    91.3K 4.3K 1

  • Accidentally on Purpose
    55.6M 2.2M 68

    Hannah Taylors finally gives in to her desperation and does one of the stupidest things a girl can do to grab her unapproachable long-time crush Jonah Gibbs' attention: spill soda on his white shirt and leave a motherfrigging red blotch on it. Accidentally... on purpose.
