Demon! Hanzo & Demon!McCree x Reader
Based in "Two Demons" by dilfosaur in tumblr! Image belongs to dilfosaur Slow updates! Because we must wait for senpai to update the Story!
Based in "Two Demons" by dilfosaur in tumblr! Image belongs to dilfosaur Slow updates! Because we must wait for senpai to update the Story!
STORY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED You have been recruited by the Shimada clan to be Hanzo's tattoo artist. But while you prepare to make Hanzo's tattoo you learn you have a special power the brothers need, you are the awakener.(There will be a love triangle and two sperate endings for Genji and Hanzo, you get to choose who...
Its just prefacers about the Batman characters, I do take request for ideas for preferences, so leave a like leave a comment heart it, and i will see you, next time. YES THAT IS FRO VENTURIANTALE I own no one, I wish i owned them all. or had them all.
TF2 x Reader. Just request something and I'll do it! :) >> I forgot to mention that I can do more than one TF2 x Reader (e.g. Engineer x Reader II, III...) All stories in this belong to me, or Novelist4402. Please ask via note before using anywhere else or creating something similar. RULES I don't do lemons. Cha...
So this happened, I was deleting some of my old stories and I deleted my old TF2 X reader. I literally felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, but thank the heavens I copy and paste my stories onto grammerly to do some simple editing *Takes in a deep breath and sighs* I hope people actully read this... Request...
Yasmin hún er bara venjuleg stelpa en hvað gerist þegar hún fréttir að bróður hennar er frægur dansari og söngvari?! Bróður hennar og hún eru eins og bestu vinir upplifa ALLT saman. Hún heimsækir bróður sinn yfir sumarið og kynnist stráki. Hvað gerist þá? Hvað gerist þegar hún mætir besta vini Omars bróður hennar? Sa...