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  • 9-1-1
    194 26 5

    ❝Someone stole my house!❞ ❝I'd advise you to calm down, sir and tell me exactly what happened.❞ ❝They lifted it off the ground and took it away! Call the ambulances, the fire brigade, the police!❞ ❝I think I should give the Mental Institution a call...❞ In which a mentally unstable boy calls this one helpline...

  • ♦︎ Bus Stop ♦︎
    99 5 5

    ❝Why are you here?❞ ❝I'm catching a bus.❞ ❝I thought fashionistas don't catch buses?❞ ❝Well, you thought wrong, very wrong.❞ In which two people get caught up in their own lives to realise everything had already been put on paper.