falsettos drabbles
just another falsettos fic i suppose
Playing a couple on stage means that you have to look as though you and this other person are actually in love. For Christian Borle in Falsettos, there isn't much pretending when it comes to looking as though he's in love with his co star Andrew Rannells.
Saw other people doing this and thought I could do some? Yeah, I'll be doing my own original stories, not copying stories that other people have created
falsettos - no [bad] language used FINISHED. __________ "I love my Tight-nit family," "WHIZZER WHERE'S MY HAIR BRUSH? YOU'RE DEAD!" "Even if they are crazy," "W-HIZZER!" ...
After coming back from Uganda, Connor McKinley and Kevin Price now live in an apartment together. However, Kevin's parents decide to drop a visit. Kevin, still not openly gay to his parents and afraid to come out, and his boyfriend Connor try to trick his family into believing they are just roommates.
So Marvin's new partner for a writing assignment is Whizzer Brown, a cute boy who he just might have a giant crush on. He's not gay though. .... right? He feels guilty though, since he has a girlfriend, Trina, and doesn't want to leave her, since it will make him look bad. Also other drama. This is going to be so ba...
Jason is used to his father, Marvin, and his lover, Whizzer, and their on again, off again relationship. Until one day one of their fights goes differently and Whizzer never came back. Now its been five years since Jason and Marvin saw Whizzer and Marvin still hasn't gotten over him. Jason decides to find Whizzer and...