Hybridtale: The Rise of Evil
An unknown entity escapes his home to take care of a threat that can destroy mankind and monster kind
An unknown entity escapes his home to take care of a threat that can destroy mankind and monster kind
A dangerous being surfaces on Nirn and wreaks havoc. Frisk, Asriel, and Develyn want to take it down, but an unknown ally helps them in the process.
The gates of Oblivion have opened across the country, caused by Develyn's older brother, but his younger brother, Develyn, and the latter's gang are finding a way to thwart it.
An ancient folklore legend becomes a reality as dragons return for the first time in millennia. Develyn would seek out a quest with the trio, to not only the return his powers, but to defeat Alduin once and for all.
Tensions between the Allied States and the United States have been strained ever since the Allied States was founded back in 2019, back then known as the Allied Monster Dominion. It's gotten to the point where the two nations have accepted a declaration of war from one another. For-Monsters VS. Against Monsters. East...
A vampire clan begins to rise up from hiding, sending people into fear and terror. As a result, a new vampire hunter group, known as the Dawnguard, is founded with only one goal: to make vampires extinct.
Develyn Dreemurr experienced a tragic event 18 years ago. That event was the death of his parents and his brother. He has been figuring out for years who killed his parents, but to no avail, leading him lose control frequently. He has been through many eventful moments in his life, being beaten by his cruel uncle, tra...