Feär Alläh(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)
The help of Allah s w.t is near, but how near are you to Allah s.w.t? This book is full of Islamic collection of reminders for the believers which were not written by me. Please vote and comment.Thank you
The help of Allah s w.t is near, but how near are you to Allah s.w.t? This book is full of Islamic collection of reminders for the believers which were not written by me. Please vote and comment.Thank you
Haya Hassan Malik is an intelligent, funny, and positive student, She loves reading, talking, and does all that you can add up into a normal teenager's life. She's seen to be the perfect student, perfect daughter, perfect friend, but the truth is that she keeps it all to herself. There's lot more to her life then jus...
Rabbi shrahli sadri. wayassirli amri. wahlul uqdatam millisani. yafqahu qawli. [surah Taha] It is said by our prophet (PBUH) that "if a women prays her *five (daily prayers) *fasts her month (Ramadan) *guards her chastity and *obeys her husband, it will be said to her enter paradise by whichever of the gates of paradi...