Girly Tips
Just a book of random tips from Instagram and my brain
A book of DIY recipes of the newest trend---- SLIME! They are super easy, fun to make, and best of all, you don't need detergent or borax powder! Featuring: fluffy slime, butter slime, floam, and more! ~pasteldonuts~
Bored? Try out a diy or recipe. Don't know what to wear tomorrow? Get some style inspo! This book is filled with so many makeup tips, personal advice, fashion tips, life hacks, entertainment, and so much more!. Basically a blog in a book. Enjoy! What's included: + tips (makeup, outfits, school, etc) + DIYs + open d...
A wonderful book filled with at home recipes to reduce the work of your lifestyle! Most Of Tips From: Beautylish
Note: the facts and tips contained in this book are not mine, I just think of gathering them into a book. And I hope someone will benefit from it.