Searching for my Pet Back
Meh I'll do this later... real cover photo will come shortly.
Oh yeah. I'm doing this. Welcome to my hell hole of smut. Where I regret nothing- and you should regret reading this. It'll be mostly (Porbably only) Merome.. and the thing about this- Unlike how I did it on IG; I'm going all the way. *Cue some really innuendo wink or some shit* K bai.
Lets just say Skybrine wants to get Enderlox's true instincts out
Little 'Imagine Your OTP' stories, some will be Nsfw / Smut - But it'll be tagged in the title ~ Includes SetoSolace Merome Skylox Doubdilshur (Yes OT3 :D) Doubdil Bashdil Poofless Huskylox Sparkant MunchingUniverese ~and possibly more