writing prompts and ideas ;
prompts + ideas + tips = this book ; started 5.16.18.
The guide for aspiring fiction writers who want to improve, sharpen, review, and/or learn. Warning! This book encourages editing and contains many tips that often require revision. Practice makes perfect, and it's good to workout your mental muscles. The more you do now, the better your writing will be later (becau...
Welcome young Travellers. To a book of much inspiration. This book is the Third Book for getting your Creative Juices flowing. Check out 'Writers Juice' and 'Tea Time' if you are looking for more inspiration. Among my travels for information for my other books. I have found many ideas, which would be great details to...
Characters are hard to create. So consider this book a giant cheat sheet of all your writing needs. This book not only helps writers create their characters, but is a menagerie of descriptions for your stories: Smells. Sounds Instead of Said Describing Clothing Collective Nouns Adverbs Edible Plants Different Colours...
A Picture says 1000 words. But in one persons mind, it can also tell you an entire Story. Here is a prompt Book with creative and extravagant pictures to boost your imagination, and get your brain juices chugging to come up with wonderful ideas for your story. Please enjoy.
Probably the biggest list on Wattpad of just Girl's names. More than 8800 Names.
Characters are hard to create. In fact, last time we all checked, books are hard to create. What's a writer to do? Don't fear, my friend. Maplefoot has got you covered. Welcome to the second edition of 'Designing Your Character & Other Handy Things... 2' "a guide to help writers makes the best of their characters...