Bezuvjetna Ljubav
Djevojka po imenu Jelena slučajno je ubačena u grupu s hrvatskim nogometnim reprezentativcima. Život joj se okreće naopako kad se zaljubi u jednog od njih. Hoće li njihova ljubav biti moguća?
Djevojka po imenu Jelena slučajno je ubačena u grupu s hrvatskim nogometnim reprezentativcima. Život joj se okreće naopako kad se zaljubi u jednog od njih. Hoće li njihova ljubav biti moguća?
No one knew it was possible. She was breaking records. Making history. Inspiring everyone. And to add onto all of that, she got Neymar Jr. wrapped around her little finger.
i da znam da je wattpad pretrpan stvarima poput ovih no ponekad dobro dođe da izbacite sve iz sebe ili da prosto pišete o stvarima koje ispunjavaju vas.. pa welcome in my world, stalkers. © 2014 by kerimajekraljica; all rights reserved.
What if you were one of the reasons the world ended. That your actions have caused the dead to walk among the living. That despite all of your trying you can't solve this problem. Then you end up meeting up with a group, who would most likely kill you if they found your secret out... *** disclaimer *** This story is a...
The smell of fresh cut green grass, fans roaring his name and the sound of the ball hitting the back of the other teams net. This use to be home for neymar. It was the only place he ever wanted to be until a pretty little face name Kayla came along. Now the only place he wanted to be is by her side and to think it all...