Period Face Claims {2.0}
This ain't my first rodeo | #85 in random |
Dacă cineva m-ar întreba vreodată cum m-am îndrăgostit de el, nu aș avea nici o idee de ce să-i răspund. Pentru că, pur și simplu, s-a întâmplat. Am privit noaptea împreună, sub lumina lunii, care se armoniza cu briza oceanului. Respirând aerul sărat, număram galaxii, uitând complet de limitele cerului. Stelele ne ali...
I felt a longing to trail my hands on her body. To explore and know the vampire that managed to steal my heart. I inched closer, every single cell of my body hyper aware of her nearness. The music picked up its rhythm, and we swayed with each other, a dance of seduction that slowly but surely consumed my mind. My eye...
"Oh my darling, when you smile, it is like a song" - "Obviously," She started. There was a nervous shake in her voice that made me tilt my head in her hands. "Obviously you don't understand the agreement." She repeated after quickly composing herself. I rolled my eyes, but let her continue. "Where you go, I go. Where...
Spencer and Aiden have been together for almost four years and as far as she knows he's the guy that she wants to marry. It's Senior year and a lot things are changing including the feelings she has for him and the feelings she getting for someone else... did I mention that someone else was a girl? What happens when S...
Jennifer is an actress who finally got her big break: Mary Austin in Bohemian Rhapsody. What happens when, as Jennifer and Rami work together to truly understand Mary and Freddie's relationship, they find their own soulmates along the way? Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Please note that the people in th...
❝her love was engrossing, rampant, and enliving. so much that, she became an indispensable part of him.❞ -j.o After two tragedies that struck her deep into a depressive state, Carter Harmon is forced to move across the country to the small town of Myst...
Publicată la editura Ink Publishing House Primul volum al seriei "Imperia" Existența unui om într-un viitor incert pendulează între siguranță și supraviețuire. Viața lui Rosalind Kaverin se împarte doar în noapte și zi, teroare și întuneric, viață și moarte. Controlată la fiecare pas în haosul ordonat pe care c...
Annabelle Blackburn had accepted the fact her parents would never allow her to attend Hogwarts School of Wizardry. But an unexpected visit at her home from none other than the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and her parents are finally letting her attend Hogwarts. Anna had dreamed of attending the school for years, but ne...
A tale whose beginning was out of their hands. A battle whose course was prophesized. But what matters the end. "Destiny, Uncertain awaits. Which path you walk Shall seal many fates." A...
Book One Elise was a simple farmer in the kingdom of Ursania―one of the best in the area. One day, when Elise was ten, she ran into a mysterious boy around her age. They talked, they laughed, then he disappeared. That is until eight years later Elise went to the centre town, the middle of the kingdom, where the Ki...
#1 Action. "Promise me Cloud," Faith implored her voice barely audible. She lifted her gaze up at him yet once again. "Promise me, that you will protect my heart for it has deserted me for you." A silent hiss escaped the assassin's lips at her confession. "How can I mistreat your heart when my soul is in...
Nu o putea răni pe Arianne a lui pentru nimic în lume. Ar fi preferat să calce pe cuie, decât s-o lovească pe ea. Cât o mai iubea, și cât se mai detesta pe sine pentru această iubire. Toți credeau că ea are nevoie de el, de protecția lui, de banii lui, dar de fapt, el era cel care nu putea trăi fără ea. Avea nevoie de...
Promit că am să te iubesc până am să mor!" a fost începutul cu care amândoi am sfârșit. El rămâne rece, înghețat în fața mea. Iar eu nu ştiu să transform gheața în vapori de apă. Întreaga mea viață a fost scufundată în întuneric şi cu greu am cunoscut căldura unui suflet uman. Nu pot deveni ceva ce nu am fost nicioda...
. Raiul a fost întotdeauna considerat un loc perfect și un simbol al binelui, iar creațiile Atotputernicului au făcut mereu tot ce le-a stat în putință pentru a păstra reputația Paradisului... chiar dacă asta înseamna să-l excludă pe unul dintre ei. Cu un suflet liber și o gândire în discordanță cu cea a f...
❝ The Gods gave me a rare woman and I loved her well. ❞ THE RARE WOMEN SERIES - NOVEL #1 GAME OF THRONES - SEASON 5, 6, & 7 © stxrmborn COMPLETED Wattpad Featured Story Awarded as Best Jon Snow Fanfic 4X Awarded as Best GOT Female OC 2X Awarded as Best GOT Fanfic Ship 2X A...
Dragoste/Fantezie Nu vă lăsați păcăliți de numărul de voturi și de citiri. Necesită editare; nu drastică, dar tot lipsesc unele litere, iar exprimarea poate fi deficitară în primele douăzeci de capitole. * * * Primul volum di...
Un tunel misterios se afla in orasul lui Carter. De cand era mica i se spunea sa stea departe de tunel. Un pericol se ascunde acolo de care Carter e speriata. Nimeni nu a fost capabil sa vada capatul tunelului;nici lumina zilei nu poate stralucii pana acolo. Acum, la 19 ani cand curiozitatea e mare, prietenii lui Car...
Minciunile şi greşerile unor controversaţi părinţi au reuşit să creeze dintr-un inocent prinţ, un tiran, un monstru şi un anarhist condamnat să se lupte cu propria copilărie pentru a fi monarhul Angliei , regele ce din asuprit va deveni asupritor. Nomadul Henry se întoarce condus de sentimentele pure pentru mama sa vi...
Erau așa de aproape că aburii de căldură ieșiți din gurile lor dansau împletindu-se în aerul rece. O mișcare a capului lui și buzele ei se deschiseră cuminți, ca floarea soarelui când lumina îi mângâie creștetul. Atingerea blândă, de mătase, se întinse leneșă să cuprindă conturul buzelor cu gust de chocolată. Împotriv...
Story is based on the TV Show and not the book series. It focuses on Arya's life and how she's connected to Gendry.
" I was raised in snow, but I was born in fire. A bastard has no songs sung for them, but no matter, I am the Song of Ice and Fire." *** Full Warning in About chapter - certain chapters/themes/references in this story may be triggering or unsuitable for some readers. Copyright to O.T'Gan 2015. Cover by @stardust246...
Ginger Rae is one of the hottest singers in Country music until a horrific accident changes her life and opens up her eyes. She wants out, and leaving everything and everyone she's known for the past 10 years behind is the only way to do it. She leaves her old life, moving to rural Georgia to escape her past. She's...
Ea, o tarancuta a Sudului plina de sarcasm si cu ziduri in jurul inimii care ar intrece pana si zidurile lui Jericho, doreste doar sa afle raspunsuri la intrebari de mult uitate. Un tata omorit intr-un mod suspect si o datorie la un camatar o fac pe tarancuta sa infrunte lumea aroganta din Las Vegas. El, un adevarat...
When Alice Reed awakens from her coma, she's met with nothing. Literally. She wakes up in a house she doesn't remember is hers. Her family? Whoever they are, they're gone now. She has no memory of anything in her past after a fatal accident. Clueless, she wanders the unfamiliar city where she finds old friends whom sh...
❝ I am drawn to beauty and the darkness. I like it when you see devils being nice and angels getting pissed off.❞ She's a wolf in the closet, and she's about to be let out. Love triangle between Daryl, a girl, and Negan. From the author of Arrowhead.
Nobody ever thought this would happen. The dead have risen and are roaming the earth - desperate for their next meal.It's a gruesome world, and young doctor, Emma James is simply surviving like the rest of them. She's been alone for so long, until she wasn't. She finds a man bleeding out in a ravine, and she is left...
Vulnerability should never equate to weakness. Amy Wilson had always relied on her older brother to keep her from harm. Even when the dead began to rise, this had not changed. She was not a fighter. Amy couldn't handle a gun, couldn't function around blood and gore, and certainly couldn't live with herself after killi...
Allison a crescut în permanenta şi obsesiva grijă a tatălui ei. După ce şi-a pierdut mama în copilărie, toată atenţia ei a ajuns să se învârtească doar în jurul părintelui ce i-a mai rămas. Dar când atinge pragul adolescenţei, Allison simte nevoia să guste puţin din nesăbuinţa vârstei, deşi acum îi este destul de greu...