scary facts
loads of creepy, bloody and spine chilling facts and stories for all you curious readers
loads of creepy, bloody and spine chilling facts and stories for all you curious readers
Hello! This book is just filled with scary short stories and texts that are either made up or from the internet. I will try to credit the websites so you can check them out. Enjoy! Continues every October :)
{Original One Shot's} ✓ Some Nightmares, Some Real Horror - All Scary. Some Short, Some Long - Yet You Want To Read It Over And Over. Are You Scared Yet? No? You Will Be......
I was just reading some good stuff on paranormal things and it inspired me to tell more people about true creepy stuff. Thanks for the cover Roma-Hime
scary stories these arent mine I got them off the internet enjoy and beware you will have a trouble sleeping ..... cos I did
A collection of scary stories. Dont worry they aren't real, as far as you know.... new stories Daily-weekly