How Do You Want It (URBAN)
99.999999% of the characters are black. That's it's. That's the description. Check out the sequel to this book called "How Did You Want It Again?" EDITED: 2021
99.999999% of the characters are black. That's it's. That's the description. Check out the sequel to this book called "How Did You Want It Again?" EDITED: 2021
The streets have a way of snatching innocent souls. By the time you realize and try to escape, you're already in too deep. Will Yasir, Yulan, and Yulani make it out? Or will they realize they're in an abyss?
Kira and Jason weren't looking for love, but they decided to give it a try. (18+)
Book Four, must read books 1-3 "It's all bout who you know, street ties mean everything love" Ajani Powell now Fourteen was raised in Jamaica with her younger brother very aware of her father and her families street life but she preferred to keep to herself spending time studying and keeping her brother in check. Bein...