cody ko quotes
need a senior quote? look no further.
I don't own this rituals and urban legend all credit goes to original author. I recommend to do not do this but if you brave to do this. I wish a good luck to all who does this rituals And I don't own any of the ritual I got most of my rituals from
This is my very first book. All memes were collect by me from my little dirty hands by screenshots, facebook, instagram and exo fandom app. Hehe. So all of this definetely not mine and highly thanks to the copyright owner. May god bless you for give us happiness. Thanks and enjoy. Warning: I'm just to fucking lazy to...
Have you ever wondered how you will die? Have you ever gone so far as to do a "fun" ritual to find out? This is the true story of how my best friend and I found out how we are going to leave this planet and the horrifying realization that stung afterwards.