She never talked and he wondered why. © MCMALIK
hope [ hohp ] The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
Arisha and Zayn's slightly different love story. Rish, short for Arisha, 19 years old, passionately anti-social and ridiculously shy. Zayn as in Zayn Malik, 21 years old, strangely mysterious and abnormally teasing. Will that match work out? ©MCMALIK 2014
"You've been lonely, you don't even know me, but I can feel you crying." She danced and he saved her. ©MCMALIK 2014
"Dear Ocean, With this message I'm letting you know that I think it's time for me to leave [...]" My whole world breaks down and he was the reason. I still love you. in cooperation with articzjm © MCMALIK 2014