chicos y chicas estis preparados para la nueva novela!!! la Segunda parte de NARNIA!!!
chicos y chicas estis preparados para la nueva novela!!! la Segunda parte de NARNIA!!!
Comienza después de que el príncipe caspian hace sonar el cuerno de la reina susan, llamando a los reyes de antaño, pero y si lucy no hubiera llegado junto a su familia si no que se encontrará en un bosque con un enano con espada, un joven inconsciente y un tejón que la mira sorprendido.
Edmund y Lucy Pevensi se embarcan en una aventura para defender lo que han hecho por Narnia, y salvar a sus hermanos de las garras de un nuevo villano, encontrándose hací un diario que los llevara a donde, por primera vez pisaron este país maravilloso,alguien se alío con la bruja blanca, alguien busca venganza.
Ya nada queda de los Pevensie en londres. Susan a muerto a sus 80 años, sus hijos no supieron jamas sobre narnia ni nadie mas, se puede decir que nisiquiera ella lo supo. Peter, Edmund y Lucy permanecen en Narnia viviendo su eterno sueño hasta que un dia algo sucede, una grieta entre el pais de Aslan y el mundo humano...
Lucy choosing to stay in Narnia to be with her Love Prince Caspian. She leaves her brother Edmund and her cousin Eustace to return to the real world alone, but little did she realize that she was soon to see her siblings and cousin once again. When her beloved baby boy Rillian goes missing from his crib. Who has the n...
,,You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth." Series of one-shots about Lucy and Caspian from Chronicles of Narnia. I DON'T OWN THIS STORY. Story's owner: eternallystarcrossed2010 Original: https://m.fanfictio...
Peter, Edmund, and Lucy never forgot about their true home in Narnia, unlike their sister Susan. They never thought they would return, but they would soon find that was not to be. Caspian never thought he would have to listen to the Lion and call on the Pevensie's again, but in a time when treachery is brewing, and a...
The Pevensies would not return to Narnia. Peter and Susan had already accepted this and had moved on with their lives. Edmund had tried too. Everyone except Lucy. She couldn't imagine a life without Narnia. However, as the years passed, Lucy lost faith and cared no longer for Narnia as her siblings. When the Great Lio...
Destiny isn't always a charming affair. Edmund soon learns that his childhood sweetheart, Lucy Pevensie, is fated to become queen of Narnia, but at what cost?