¿Existen acuerdos dónde las dos partes terminan perdiendo?
Chiara es un terremoto de emociones, una chica que nunca ha tenido del todo claro cuál era su sitio en el mundo, salvo por la música. Y en ese trayecto para cumplir su sueño, se encontrará con Violeta, alguien que sabe que ha perdido el rumbo por completo, y que necesita volver a encontrarse de una vez. ¿Amor a primer...
La vida no tiene un guión. Nadie sabe en qué capítulo se avecina el plot twist definitivo. Ni si su historia tendrá un final feliz. ¿Su vida es un drama? ¿Es una comedia? ¿Un romance? Lo que sí saben las actrices emergentes Luz (Romaña) Lasierra y Ainhoa Arminza es que, si quieren lograr sus sueños, van a tener que...
Imagina por un momento que la persona que tanto te marcó en tu pasado vuelve diciéndote todo lo que jamás te dijo estando contigo, que ha cambiado y que esta vez será diferente. ¿Qué harías? Prohibida cualquier adaptación.
βlumettra | Tiempo Bien dijo Daniela que lo que necesitaban ambas era Tiempo. ¿Qué pasará con el Tiempo? Si eres βlumettrα y sueñas con saber lo que puede ocurrir después de GH, esta es tu historia. Soñemos juntas con un final justo. Y quién sabe si se cumpla.
Dos mujeres, dos mundos, dos realidades que terminaron por volver loco al destino. Valentina tenía un punto débil, ella... Helena.
THIRD BOOK IN THE YELLOW SERIES By now, Camila and Lauren both know to expect the unexpected. But you can never be prepared, especially when their lives take a turn in a completely different direction. The couple finds themselves faced with challenges they never thought they'd encounter. Growing up is hard to do. High...
"You're like a puzzle, I have all the pieces it's just a matter of putting them all together." "And have you finished the puzzle yet?" "No, as I put the pieces together, they display things I've never seen before; new things. But those things are only fragments of the big picture. If I've finished the puzzle, it mea...
Falling in love was the best and worst thing that ever happened to Camila. Lauren was beautiful, smart, passionate and, unfortunately for Camila, married.
FIRST BOOK IN THE YELLOW SERIES Lauren Jauregui hated Camila Cabello, plain and simple. Of course, who could blame her? Camila had been the one who read Lauren's private texts in front of the whole cafeteria, forcing her out of the closet. Lauren left for New York with her three best friends the day she graduated, thi...
ⅰ. “And I wonder how many polar opposites we have brought together by falling in love. Inside you could have been the match that started the fire and burned down an entire house, and inside of me may live the remnants of a rocking chair inside the house that was burned to the ground. All these little things... thes...
SECOND BOOK IN THE YELLOW SERIES After a long and lengthy journey, Lauren finally believes she and Camila have reached the light at the end of the tunnel. But when the past comes back to haunt them, they find themselves in a completely new playing field. Change suddenly begins to overtake them, in more ways than one. ...
This story is not mine. I do not own anything. All credits goes to the brilliant author of this story, Jazmin (@moviegeek120). You can also read this story on 5hfanfiction.tumblr.com. All the fanarts in every chapter are made by Laura_Snow