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  • Chat (Prinxiety)
    717K 35.3K 63

    Thomas has added Sir Prince-A-Lot, anxious mess, Hi I'm Dad and Logically Thinking into the chat. - will eventually feature prinxiety and maybe logicality.

  • Plenty of Wonders
    146K 8.2K 98

    Sanders Sides oneshots based on prompts I find it have been sent by people! (Please send me prompts!) BROTP's and OTP's obviously welcome! (btw literally made some of the tags up for BROTP ship names omg I can't breathe) (PROGIC OH MY GOD)

  • Under The Spell: A Prinxiety Fanfiction
    77.3K 4.3K 20

    When Thomas lets his Disney-loving creative side choose what he does for the next video, it's no surprise that it has to do with Disney. Thomas and the four aspects of his personality all become a part of Disney's Sleeping Beauty, something that was originally just supposed to make a fun, lighthearted video. However...

  • Alone On Valentine's Day Alternative
    790 58 1

    [Prinxiety and Logicality] This is a one shot featuring an alternate "Alone On Valentine's Day" video where instead of bringing in Valerie, Thomas lets his sides practice flirting on each other. Morality excitedly claims Logic as his partner right off the bat, leaving a horrified Prince with a reluctant Anxiety. On...

  • The Bad Guy [A Prinxiety One Shot]
    5.4K 143 3

    Anxiety isn't a villain. He knows that, but still... He can't seem to shake the feeling that he's nothing more than an antagonist. It's not his fault he's a negative aspect of Thomas's personality... So why does he feel so bad? Prince doesn't think much of it when he decides to share The Ultimate Storytime soundtrack...

  • Accepting Anxiety Part 2 Alternative
    1.1K 52 1

    So part one left off on a cliffhanger and that killed me inside, and part two comes out on Friday, so between rewatching part one and screaming about it, I decided to write my own version of how I sorta want part two to go, and it's probably really far off from the canon video, but we'll never know until part two come...

  • Gainesville Roses [Prinxiety/Logicality]
    2.3K 195 9

    "Love is a powerful thing, and with every rose comes thorns." Virgil, Roman, Logan, and Patton. Four Florida men who are trying to make it in this great thing called life, but young adulthood isn't as easy as it seems.