J'ai vus qu'Axel et Roxas l'avait fait donc moi aussi
Shortly after the event's of azure striker gunvolt 2 gunvolt meets up with mytyl as her memory begins to restore itself but as this happens another organization attempts to claim the muses power for themselves meanwhile copen tries to adjust to life with an adept sister While trying to continue his quest to stop all...
Acnologia,The Black Dragon,destroys another village(Twilight Moon)without mercy in order to make them fear him and to show that he's the strongest of all,but,a girl, a survivor from Twilight Moon,tugs on his cape, begging him to let her come with him because she has nowhere to go despite his is the one who destroyed h...
Toshiro hasn't been around for a while and Karin doesn't know what to think. They don't know their feelings yet, but they do plan on letting each other know how they feel, but at what cost? This is a hitsukarin fanfic but appearances with other ships will appear. ATTENTION!!! CREDIT GOES TO http://v-zombie.deviantart...