breathe me (e.dolan)
in which a sad girl leaves voicemails for a dying boy hoping that one day, maybe, he'll pick up the phone. completed august 23, 2017 voicemail format, lowercase intended
in which a sad girl leaves voicemails for a dying boy hoping that one day, maybe, he'll pick up the phone. completed august 23, 2017 voicemail format, lowercase intended
DONT READ THIS, undergoing editing!! Dustin was just your average nerd, she get bullied from Ethan & Grayson Dolan. She leave for a few mouths & comes back with a told makeover. Published 1-28-15 Completed 1-18-16 Cover creds to me! All rights reserved unless credited! (UNDER GOING EDITING) (REWRITING IN PROGRESS)
A broken girl. All out of hope. She thinks she doesn't belong in this world. Started: 05/05/17 Finished: 06/10/17
He liked her. A lot.. She liked him. But she didn't like his reputation. She was a good girl. Perfect grades, perfect attendance, "perfect" parents.. didn't socialize much but the people she did were nothing like Ethan Dolan. Everything with Ethan was new to her. He was a bad influence. But she didn't care. S...