The Journey of Aki
This is the story of Aki Skywalker. She always wanted to be a Jedi like her Father and Mother. She hit a lot of bumps on her journey, but it only made her stronger.
This is the story of Aki Skywalker. She always wanted to be a Jedi like her Father and Mother. She hit a lot of bumps on her journey, but it only made her stronger.
It's a new year at Hogwarts for the Rosewood twins. Ben has been cautious near Tessa. Tessa has changed dramatically the past year. Their bonds together as twins have been slowly drifting apart. Will Ben find a way for Tessa to see the light? Will Tessa except the truth that her brother shows her?
Ben and Tessa are twins that have very unique powers that no witch or wizard have possessed. The twins have been shut out of the wizardry world until one day. Will Ben and Tessa finally learn who they truly are?