It was a rainy day, in New York no less. One held a cup of coffee, wishing for the rain to stop. One held a hand full of old books, savouring the moment. short story #98 poetry #51
It was a rainy day, in New York no less. One held a cup of coffee, wishing for the rain to stop. One held a hand full of old books, savouring the moment. short story #98 poetry #51
It’s simply a story. My story. The one time I bring out my past, my present, and what I hope the future can be. Well, in the end, what else can we do besides hope?
I wonder what the stars did after they'd been wished on. Do they treasure the fleeting moment we'd wished on them, like we do in their falling? Or do they just stay up there and watch us flit by, as they go on to live the rest of their eons? ... My name is Amber Chase. As a kid, things were simple. Life had it's ebb a...