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  • Sanitarium: Secrets Within
    1.9K 488 29

    Help Wanted: Local Sanitarium needs an intern to assist the doctor with patients on the night shift. Pay will depend on schooling. We also offer excellent benefits and affordable housing. If interested please come in and fill out an application. Serious Inquiries only.

  • 365 Nights of Fear
    11.8K 2K 200

    How many ways are there to be scared? Well, in my book 365 Nights of Fear I will tell you one good way to be scared each and every single night. Just watch out though because some scares just might be a little too close to home.

  • A Twisted Tale of Sanity book 3
    192 83 6

    Just who is this homeless boy? Where did he come from? How does he fit in the family? Get the answers to these questions and more in this exciting installment of Sanity.

  • Double Order of Fear to Go
    377 166 26

    Are you scared yet? Well, that was just a warm-up. Dim the lights and get ready for a double order of fear. In this set of twenty-six stories, the killer is coming for you, so be watchful because he could be anywhere.

  • A New Beginning for Sanity book 2
    116 48 5

    Family tradition lives on in this twisted tale of terror. Things take a turn but are they for the better or worse? Find out what happens as a new member of the family emerges.

  • Order of Fear to Go
    698 336 26

    Do you like to be scared? Well if you do take a look at these quick scares each beginning with a different letter of the alphabet and ask yourself, Am I scared?

  • Chilling Tails of Terror
    1.8K 235 21

    Looking for a real scare? Then you might enjoy these short tales of terror. From tales of mischievous monsters to terrifying beasts this book is a sure way to spice up your night around the campfire.

  • The Psychology of Fear
    5.5K 277 14

    Professor Henry is looking forward to teaching Psych 101 to his students. His students are about to learn that their worst fears just might come true, so dim the lights and get ready to discover your own worst fears.

  • Death Calls
    872 96 6

    Death comes to us all, but for some it comes even sooner. Think about this as you read these stories and lay down to go to sleep tonight. Don't forget to check all your devices and most importantly don't forget to lock all your doors.

  • Sanity a new story book 1
    201 45 4

    Meet Thomas. His life seemed perfect until one day he gets in a tragic accident. He is taken to a local hospital where he thinks he will make a speedy recovery, but soon finds out that not every hospital wants to make you better. Some just want to test your sanity.
