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  • I've Never Cried
    83.5K 2.7K 71

    "I've Never Cried" is one of the best Jemi stories I have ever written. There are so many twists and turns, love and hate, friendship and betrayal, all while still being a great read. This story has proper grammar and writing format, simply to make it an even easier and more captivating read. It can also be found on Y...

  • Like I Would.
    53.7K 2.2K 42

    Nick & Joe are fraternal twins, but best friends too. They are both different though, Nick was the jock of the school and the sports guy. Joe was the smart guy in school and he won in mathematics. They share one thing in common; they both had a crush on the captain of the cheerleading squad, Demi Lovato. Sadly, Nick b...

    152M 3.9M 86

    EPSİLON YAYINLARI ARACILIĞIYLA KİTAP OLDU. KİTAPLIĞINIZDA BULUNMASI DİLEĞİYLE <3 "Bizim bir hikayemiz yok" diye geçistirdim. "Sen, seni yakıp kül edecek bir aşk istiyorsun Masal. Normal tanışmalarda gözün yok. 'Seni seviyorum'ları önemsemiyorsun aslında. Herkesin bil...
