Love Story of Dora⏳
Kumpulan chat penolakan para perjaka untuk gadis cantik bernama Dora Saphira. Hmmm. Created 2018
Kumpulan chat penolakan para perjaka untuk gadis cantik bernama Dora Saphira. Hmmm. Created 2018
Si y/n ke bandara, niat mau ke daerah lain, lalu pas lihat pesawat garuda, dia jadi jatuh cinta. Dan entah kenapa, dia bisa mendengr suara hati garuda. Pas lihat banyak orang yang naik pesawatnya, y/n cemburu "iihh, harusnya kan aku aja sama pesawat-kun"
Pernah kepikiran nggak Upin Ipin gedenya kapan dan kayak gimana? Nah di cerita ini, Upin Ipin dkk udah pada remaja gais. Penasaran kan? Baca aja hayuuuuu A fanfic created on Sept/24/2017.
you're bored in the house , you're in the house bored? why don't you try answering some of stupid and kinda creepy questions? completed. @quackiness | klaire 2020 !! : if i repeated some questions, please do comment in that chapter to notify me. DO NOT PM me.
Hey its Ashe, I've decided to discontinue this story. I've lost motivation to write it and I'm not big into until dawn anymore
This is a book of some art made by me! It will include fanart, doodles of my friends, and more!
Karasuma has just found out some shocking news in an email. Korosensei is a dad! A story based off a little fan theory some of my friends have, in which Korosensei is the father of a person we all know pretty well. oh, and probably some minor Karma x Nagisa. Also posted on
READ THE TITLE!!!!!!! it's like a group chat and the girls online are in the tags ENJOY!!!
Nagisa gets turned into a baby by one of korosensei's tricks (that involves okuda but she doesn't know WHEN it happened. she just knows it happened). how will class 3-E take this information. how much more, KARASU- (nagisa- HEY STAHP YOU'RE GOING TO SPOIL THE WHOLE STORY BEFORE WRITING IT!!) owkaayy.... And it may be...
In a world where quirks ands ghouls exist, heroes are trained to fight ghouls that are feared and known throughout japan. But our story takes place in a certain school, where a certain yellow octopus teaches. What if someone saw bluenette beat a teacher? What if bluenette finds out that he has another family member...
Nagisa's students decide that spying on their teacher is the only way they'll find out more about his relationship with the mysterious red-head who has been giving the teacher rides to class.
After the years went on, Nagisa teached in a delinquent classroom that was scared shitless of him and Karma a buisness man. Karma still likes Nagisa, not like but loves Nagisa deep down. He begins remembering how cute he's always been so he pays him a visit.
"Anyone can be an assassin. You just need the right... motivation." Seven years. It's been seven years since Koro-sensei was killed. The end class have achieved their dreams. Nagisa became a Teacher just like he dreamed! Except his class of delinquents needs a little more than a lesson in education.... Afterall its a...
This story is about Nagisa Shiota (From Assassination Classroom) shipped with... ahhhhh.... YOU! Congrats human, you have been shipped with Nagisa! (Okay sorry for being stupid... Here's the plot): You are an average scool girl who is also really good friends with Nagisa. You two have been best friends and have kept i...
toilet bound hanako-kun oneshots (jibaku shounen hanako-kun) for you thirsty wattpaders
What if scenarios! What if your Ass class boyfriend(s) did something interesting~? Different reactions~? ohoh
(Various) X reader CONTINUATION BOOK of ANSATSU KYOUSHITSU || X READER Ever wanted to be sweet? Share good/sweet memories? See the bad ones? Or even the Sexy times? Well you're in luck! Welcome to my oneshot book of Ansatsu Kyoushitsu, If you have stumbled upon this book or have been reading my first book for awhile n...
Yuri/Slice of life fic about the characters day to day life in between the full moon battle royales.
The world, our Earth, is under invasion, by Yeerks, alien slugs that control every species that has brains. And I tell you, more than the ignorant human race is hindering it. Andalites, who promised to send a fleet, had their first try destroyed. I met one of them, an Andalite, that gave me the power to morph absolut...
Leslie dan Sean sudah dinyatakan lulus dari Grandes High School. kini mereka tengah menuntut ilmu di sebuah universitas. Awalnya kehidupan mereka berjalan dengan lancar, hingga beberapa masalah yang berhubungan dengan hantu kembali menimpa Leslie. Leslie sangat menyadari kemampuannya itu akan membuatnya selalu terliba...
Angie Megan... seorang wanita yang dilahirkan dalam keluarga cenayang. Dia frustasi karena tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat dan berkomunikasi dengan hantu tidak seperti ayah dan kakeknya. untuk mengasah kemampuannya, dia memilih menuntut ilmu di Grandes Hgh School yang terkenal dengan keangkerannya. Hidupnya b...
Leslie Felicia ... remaja 17 tahun yang terpaksa pindah sekolah karena mengikuti orangtuanya. Grandes High School ... sebuah sekolah SMA yang berjarak cukup dekat dari tempat tinggal Leslie yang baru, yang dipilih Leslie untuk menjadi sekolah barunya. Namun tak disangka, kehadirannya di sekolah itu tak diharapkan oleh...
Haley is living on her own, above a dance studio. When the owner surprises her with a once in a lifetime opportunity, she takes it. Hesitantly. But what will happen when she's choreographing for a world-famous band?
danganronpa facts! [drv3 facts aren't included - but are in the continuation of this book]
Lanjutannya silakan baca di Dreame. Akun dreamnya: ELLAKOR Petualangan team seven dimulai lagi tapi bukan menghadapi hantu biasa seperti sebelumnya melainkan menghadapi musuh kuat yang mengerikan dan berbahaya. Namun sepertinya bukan hanya masalah hantu yang menjadi permasalahan mereka sekarang, kisah cinta yang mulai...
Semua kisah ini berdasarkan kisah nyata. Dimohon kebijakan pembaca dalam membaca kisah ini. Ambil positifnya, buang negatifnya, dan hargai kami.
Lanjutannya silakan baca di Dreame. Akun Dreame: ELLAKOR Kinsey ... gadis berusia 19 tahun yang terlihat normal. Dia yatim piatu dan dibesarkan di sebuah panti asuhan, hingga sebuah peristiwa membuatnya meninggalkan panti asuhan dan memutuskan untuk bekerja sebagai Babysitter. Hidupnya normal-normal saja pada awalnya...
Blossom is an ordinary girl who dreams of becoming an idol in her favourite anime. Then one day she wakes up backstage, holding dress cord cards and ready to go on stage! After her performance blows the judges, audience and performers away, before soon becoming world famous, Blossom soon gains a jealous rival, who is...
"In this idol world, there is no God!" The first season of my Gunkatsu (Gundam x Aikatsu) project, serving as an alternate retelling of the 2nd season of the original Aikatsu anime. Primarily inspired from "Idol Universe War Oozoracon" (shown in the anime's 159th episode) with its mecha mayhem, this fanfic focuses on...