Cvrkut Lešinar
Djelim svoje zamršene i ispreplitane misli izdvojene iz kolekcije moje bučne glave.
'Koja vam od ovih više liči na moljca?', upitala me, sasvim ozbiljno, pokazujući mi dvije roschachove mrlje. Pogledao sam je zbunjenim pogledom dignuvši obrve. 'Oboje mi liče na moljca.', rekao sam naposljetku. Gorko se nasmijala blago okrenuvši očima, kao da mi je htjela poručiti da se ne pravim pametan i da odgovori...
Evo malo mog prosipanja pameti i osvrta na neka književna djela. Enjoy yourself... "Jedna od ljepota piščeva života jest ta da možeš živjeti u kući emocije umjesto u sobi zdravog razuma, i da možeš riječima, kad god to poželiš, ponovno sagraditi ono što oni rukama sruše."
Ono što sam htjela znati kada sam bila osnovnoškolka, srednjoškolka, brucošica, kada sam bila zaljubljena, anksiozna, znatiželjna, nesigurna, tužna i ostali savjeti koje danas primjenjujem u svom životu ♡
I was betrayed, lied to, and used. I never want to see anyone again. But sadly I can't drop out of school, I need the education. Plus someone has to show the new kids around, and I'm assigned to five guys, Will, Dana, Cole, Gabe, and Dalton. This is going to be interesting. Well at least music is always there for me...
Layla Hayat is many things; philanthropist, introvert, gymnast, bad drummer, prodigal daughter of a famous designer... ....Forgiving is not one of them. 6 years have passed since HE broke her heart. What on earth could have brought him back into her life? Azaan Malik is many things; Ambitious, Former class clown, Una...
UPDATING WEDNESDAYS Rock star, crowdfunding pioneer, and TED speaker Amanda Palmer knows all about asking. Performing as a living statue in a wedding dress, she wordlessly asked thousands of passersby for their dollars. When she became a singer, songwriter, and musician, she was not afraid to ask her audience to suppo...
Destiny and Free Will - a new book by Edward Mullen. Available now in print and ebook. DESTINY AND FREE WILL is about the choices we make, the people we interact with, and the events that unfold in our lives. It explores the simple belief that everything happens for a reason and attempts to unravel some of the univers...
Thoughts (noun); "The product of mental activity; that which one thinks." There are a million thoughts running through my brain. I may seem quiet but my mind isn't. I may space out but my mind says otherwise. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my thoughts and opinions. ⓒ 2015-2016 NURIN SYARAFINA NG ALL RIGHTS RES...
❝Nije bilo dosta što sam ga morala viđati kod kuće, na obiteljskim ručkovima, večerama ili blagdanima - sada ga moram viđati i na drugom kraju kontinenta.❞ ❝Gledamo jedno drugo kao da ćemo se poljubiti.❞ All right reserved by asimaginator © 2016 [3. sezona u serijalu HANDSOME - nije toliko povezana sa...
Pošto je Wattpad zajednica ljudi koji vole pisati, pretpostavljam da nas većina voli i čitati. Stoga sam kreirala ovu knjigu kako bi vam preporučila što više knjiga u raznoraznim žanrovima!
Ova knjiga je tu da vas motivira na rad, učenje i trud i da vam pokaže kako je u redu biti ambiciozan. Uživajte.
Kratke pričice koje u neočekivano vrijeme ulaze u moje srce. Ove priče su o ljudima. Ove priče su za one koji ne vide izlaz. Posvećene su mom jedinom prijatelju i mojoj prekrasnoj majci. C O V E R B Y : @martina-story
Evo nekima da olakšam snalaženje u pravopisu i gramatici. Ovo je pravopis i gramatika što se tiče samo hrvatskog jezika. Ako vam nešto nije jasno, možete poviriti. IZVOR: Prijevodi-online
Naslov vam je rekao sve. Počinjem s novom stranicom u životu, a to su intervjui raznih pisaca s balkana. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti moja pitanja, da će vam intervjui biti zanimljivi te da će vam se svidjeti svako poglavlje ove knjige. NAPOMENA: Intervjuirat ću sve pisce ne mareći za broj pregleda na knjigama ili...
Produžna ruka Dubioza sa manjim tekstovima i manje formalnim jezikom, ali tim više ironije, sarkazma i kritika. Uživajte.
Highest ranking: #104 in Mystery/Thriller Placed 1st in 'Most Engaging' category of the Sour Apple Awards Placed 1st in Mystery/Thriller category of the Gem Awards Placed 2nd in 'Best of the Best' category of the Amethyst Awards Placed 3rd in Mystery/Thriller category of The Dreamcatcher Awards Also has stickers for w...
What started as something so simple as meeting a possible human bear in the middle of the woods, turned out to be the greatest life Winter McCaslin could have ever had. After being ripped apart from her best friend, she had no one. And now, she had the one.
She was the type to stare herself in the mirror and see someone else stare back. Someone who was free and light, being able to spread her wings like an unbound angel. She was neither chained to Heaven nor Hell. Howbeit, no matter how far she reached into the mirror, she could never step through as her ball-and-chain p...
Kada biste morali birati između dva zla: uma i srca, što biste izabrali? Teen fiction/short story.
Činjenica da u jednoj stvari ne može napraviti izbor, natjerala ga je da izabere da više ne bira.
❝he's cold and mysterious. i can't read his mind at all.❞ ❝she's quiet and strange. i can't feel her at all.❞ ©-DtsugA (flowers pic credit to:
A single occurence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever. She died. He cried. He got a second chance but can he fix all of his mistakes in the past to save her in the future. Explicit Language Some r rated scenes (Poorly edited)
Vidiš li onu djevojku tamo? Izgleda tako sretno,zar ne? Smije se,priča viceve,zabavlja se..... i umire iznutra. Povrijeđena je. I umorna. Umorna od cijele drame,umorna što nije dovoljno dobra,umorna od života. No,ona ne želi izgledati dramatično. Ne želi privlačiti pažnju. Pa sve drži u sebi. Pretvara se kao da je sve...
Poslala mu je poruku sasvim slučajno i nesvjesno. Ali se dopisivala sa njim namjerno i potpuno svjesno. Sara as random girl Marko as random guy Tin (Markov prijatelj) as random guy David (Markov prijatelj) as random guy Petra (Sarina prijateljica) as random girl Cover by: @damonsqueen ♥ hvala ti!