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  • Hermitcraft Nonsense
    99.8K 2.8K 59

    Apparently all my books that aren't full fanfics are going to be "Nonsense" books? XD Theories, Short Stories, Oneshots, and more! Starting S6 and continuing into S7!

  • My Own YHS Story | Much more improved I'm veri sori--
    217 4 4

    "I've been wanting to ask a question" "What is it?" "Can you end me?" The female hybrid eyes widen and shocked at her brother's words "I mean.. I'm done living in this horrible world. I can't even control anything anymore, humans are too selfish" "Stop giving up, try again. I'm sure you can create another one. A bett...

  • She used to smile
    655 38 17

    Sam, the bunny boy. The pansie. The wimp. Some may say "scared of his own shadow." And yes, he is. Because he knows what his shadow can do. Silly, the swat girl. The shy one. The girl in the back. Her family is perfect. Her parents, Okami and Rowan, are clearly deeply in love. Such a caring family. No problems at all...
