life journey; enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look and realize they were big things
life journey; enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look and realize they were big things
- The tears wet my cheeks the thoughts hurt my head I'm ripped into shreds but like you said, it was almost as if I had the word 'damaged' written across my forehead - ~Some of my original personal poems <3 Copyright © 2017
Candor OR Dauntless with a twist. (Used to be "Divergent: short stories") ALL RIGHTS GO TO THE AWESOME VERONICA ROTH! #2 in fourtris/524 #250(something) in fourtris/524 #1 in fourtris/524 #20 in fourtris/557 #60 in fourtris/483 #230 in fourtris/2.5k #74 in fourtris/410
Everyone's doing this so I might as well jump on that bandwagon (or train I guess).
book one of the ambivalence trilogy I look at him. "I don't want to kill anyone either. Trust me. But I'd do it if it would make you feel better." He pulls me to a stop near the railing of the chasm. The Pit's glass ceiling is letting through rays of dusk, with mesmerizing rays of oranges and...
Despite Zeke’s threats, Dean doesn't tell Cas to leave the bunker. He revels in their burgeoning relationship, content to end his day with Cas asleep on his shoulder, even if they'll always sleep in separate rooms. Cas is it for him. But when Cas begins to experience physical urges he can't control, he asks Dean for a...
Political families, high school gangs and hidden lives. Divergent modern day AU. This story has all your favorite and least favorite characters and a real plot. I update every week, all comments are appreciated. Please enjoy :)
Kraven Collins is the daughter of Dauntless leader Mikael Collins. After her shocking results at the aptitude test, she comes home to find another major shock. How will she handle things as her life changes and better yet, how will she handle Eric? June 27th, 2019 - #1 in Divergentfanfiction
Divergent in Tobias's perspective! Have you ever wondered what is going on in Tobias/Four's mind while you were reading? Well you don't have to wonder anymore. I update very frequently and would love if anyone would read this. It is my first time writing for fun.