ineffable • jenbin
Of songs and verses, of melodies and moves, Beyond mirrors and dance floors are intertwining minds and souls Ineffable (adj.): too great or powerful to be described. [jenbin one shot collection]
Of songs and verses, of melodies and moves, Beyond mirrors and dance floors are intertwining minds and souls Ineffable (adj.): too great or powerful to be described. [jenbin one shot collection]
"It isn't hard to write a song but it's never easy to make a meaningful one to convey your feelings." "You must be crazy talented or just really emotional then." "I try to but I'm not. I would be though if you write me one." It wasn't perfect yet they were happy. It was right so why listen to people who said otherwise...
Write about a character as they come face-to-face with the person they love the most. Except this person is dead. They have been removed from the waking world, and linger only in the world of dreams. Explore the point of someone who can only see their lover… in their dreams.
Jisoo realizes that the things scarier than ghosts are the ones that can hurt you physically.
We broke up. But why are we unhappy? What's the reason why we broke up? Started: October 26, 2017 Finished: November 1, 2017