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  • Post It
    1.2M 49.2K 29

    It’s cold and it’s dark by now. The day has gone so fast, going to all those places, meeting all those people and now I’m here. He’s led me here. It’s time now, after all I’ve done, it’s time to see him. And everything started with a post-it.

  • The BadBoy Saw Me Naked
    496K 15.7K 13

    "Why can't you tell me what's wrong with you? Maybe I could fix it?" I desperately pled, hoping he would just open up to me. "I'm not some toy, Ivory. You can't just 'Fix' me." Nathan mumbled. He kept an emotionless cold face on but I could see past it. I could see the broken little boy who needed my help and by God w...

  • The Adventures of a Pumpkin and a Running Back Boy
    3.8M 134K 22

    Because their story is too interesting to ever have an end. Follow Blake and Lexi through the years!

  • The Shy Boy and the Girl in the Green Dress
    884K 47.8K 11

    The Shy Boy and the Girl in the Green Dress A 'I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls... Pitiful I Know' alternate universe story. What would have happened if Alex had been honest right from the start and Lexi never would have had a crush on him? What would have happened if Blake and Lexi had talked during Blake's firs...

  • Swagever [Rants]
    128K 10.3K 50

    ❝Swagever.❞ it's like whatever. but with swag.

  • Pink Lemonade
    4K 258 14

    "They say to make her fall in love, you have to make her laugh. But every time she laughs, I fall in love." In which a British girl learns to laugh through a British boy who drinks too much Pink Lemonade.

  • Thoughts
    130K 5.4K 242

    Just a collection of thoughts and poems I like. More for me to look back on then anything but I want to share what I've found personal. (Reached #129 on poetry)

  • How About No
    401K 31.5K 76

    A collection of rants & random thoughts. (Please, please, do have in mind that this was written ages ago. I was ignorant and immature, but have grown up and since then, changed my thoughts and opinions. Do not leave rude comments. Thank you. Have a nice day!) Highest rankings; #14 in random #2 in non-fiction

  • Fuck My Life || Rant Book
    1.8K 110 8

    Alright here's the deal, Hanna and I go through stupid shit every day. Hey, that's life. Anyway the shit is so STUPID that we're gonna share it with you awesome peeps. So grab a bottle Coke , a jar of nutella, and read our infamous rants. [warning:May contain cursing] Co-written with SweaterWeatherMusic aka my siste...

  • Anxiety || l.h. {au}
    17.3K 585 12

    All rights reserved. + Luke Hemmings short story.

  • mats & iris || mats hummels [completed]
    12.7K 846 16

    "You know Mats, sometimes bad choices lead us to the right people. And I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be." cover by me

  • Bulletproof // Marco Reus
    62.7K 1.8K 37

    A story of an English girl with an Exterior of an Angel but in the inside she's a flame ready to burst and ignite. She's trouble and he isn't. She's the bullet and he wants to control the bullet.
