just some random quotes from random places **the beginning of this book is awful, i'm sorry but it get's better** **actually no it doesn't this whole book sucks, gotta blast!**
just some random quotes from random places **the beginning of this book is awful, i'm sorry but it get's better** **actually no it doesn't this whole book sucks, gotta blast!**
Hello there! Nice to see you here. In this 'book' I will give you a couple of quotes I like , because yeah.. I'm addicted to them! Most of them will be written in English , but there will be a couple of them in Dutch ( if so I will give you a translation ). These quotes will be about love , eventually depression , li...
Kumpulan quotes dari novel karya Erisca Febriani yang berjudul "Dear Nathan" "Meskipun saya tampangnya berandalan tapi saya amat-sangat menghargai perempuan. Perempuan itu kaya kaca, kalau retak ya bakalan retak seumur hidup dan nggak bakal bisa balik kayak semula. Gimana pun caranya" -Nathan