winter garden
she looks at him, and she smiles. she looks at him with love so great; stories could only be written from the way she stares. --- a story of winter garden couple from hospital playlist [alternate universe, fan fiction]
she looks at him, and she smiles. she looks at him with love so great; stories could only be written from the way she stares. --- a story of winter garden couple from hospital playlist [alternate universe, fan fiction]
Nikah? Sama dosen pembimbing skripsi sendiri? Apa jadinya? Untung atau malah bunting eh buntung? Hanya kisah tentang mahasiswa semester akhir yang tengah diburu deadline menulis skripsi. Terpaksa menikah dengan dosen pembimbing skripsinya sendiri. Entah musibah atau malah berkah, Junia Zefanya Azahra harus mengga...