Forbidden love:- Dora the explorer x Bob the builder
In a world of cartoons, will one brave character be able to take fate into her own hands for the man she loves?
In a world of cartoons, will one brave character be able to take fate into her own hands for the man she loves?
ꌃꍟꃅꂦ꒒ꀸ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꀎꈤ꓄ꂦ꒒ꀸ ꃅꂦ꒒ꀸ ꓄ꀤꁅꃅ꓄ ꓄ꂦ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꅏꂦꎭꍏꈤ ꂦꎇ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꈤꀤꁅꃅ꓄ ꀸꂦꈤ'꓄ ꌗꉓꍏꋪꍟ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꌗꃅꂦꅏ ꌃꍟꍏꋪ ꀸꂦꈤ'꓄ ꒒ꂦꌗꍟ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꌗꍏꌃꍟꋪ꓄ꂦꂦ꓄ꃅ ꌗ꓄ꍏꌃꀤ꒒ꀤ꓄ꌩ ꎭꂦꋪꍟ ꓄ꃅꍏꈤ ꎇ꒒ꍟꊼꀤꌃꀤ꒒ꀤ꓄ꌩ ꅏꀤꈤꈤꍟꋪ ꂦꋪ ꎭꀤꋪꋪꂦꋪ ꌃꍟ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꌗꃅꂦꅏꎭꍏꈤ ꓄ꃅꍏ꓄ ꈤꍟᐯꍟꋪ ꋪꍏꈤ ••• Contains Namjin, Vkook, Yoonminseok as minor relationships. Contains Gruesome topics. Contains A LOT...