Arthur & Friends and Continuing Adventures
The continuing adventures of Arthur and his Friends during the dawn of Fourth Grade and 5 years later during their year in Eighth Grade, and much more : )
The continuing adventures of Arthur and his Friends during the dawn of Fourth Grade and 5 years later during their year in Eighth Grade, and much more : )
It's hard enough being a fifth-grader. But throw in being the resident superhero of a big city, with a plethora of ridiculous villains who constantly need corrected on their word usage? That can get tough. But at the end of the day, it could be worse. Because silliness aside, they're all a big, strange family. { A col...
Basically just a bunch of Wordgirl one shots. Uploading will be very, very, very slow. You can send me requests in the comments. No hate to anyone, 'kay? Thanks! Wordgirl (characters, show, and scenes) does not belong to me, but the one shots do unless I say otherwise.
A HIT ON THE KART KINGDOM FANON WIKI K travels to a mysterious site to report about why there's sudden construction there. Her new life as a reporter reveals to be fun, exciting, and full of adventure. This diary contains everything from that time. *appropriate for all ages* Kart Kingdom and all characters written abo...