Jealousy is Part 1 of The Teenage Life Series based around the 7 deadly sins. It follows teens dealing with everyday life struggles such as friends, school, and family. There's love, heartbreak and lots of drama.
Jealousy is Part 1 of The Teenage Life Series based around the 7 deadly sins. It follows teens dealing with everyday life struggles such as friends, school, and family. There's love, heartbreak and lots of drama.
Once a upon.. Yeah.... No. Sorry to burst your bubble but this isn't some cliche princess fairytale. This isn't one of those bad boy and nerd girl cliches either. I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Blythe Rosalise Maxwell. I'm nobody special. I'm 16 and I work at Vale's Bakery, I work there part tim...
When stuck in the Australian bush surrounded by controlling teachers and wild teens, what choice do you have but to turn the place upside down!
When 17 year old, author Aubrey leaves school to pursue her writing career, her parents pay for her to rent a beach house mansion. When she arrives, she discovers she shares the house with cold-hearted Jesse, a 18-year-old, member of a ruthless gang. Will Jesse be able to put up with Aubrey's wild personality and ha...