Dragon Hunter
After a magical invasion of elves and dragons decimates a wounded Earth, former hardcore biker-turned smuggler Cooper Jacks must accept his calling as a Dragon Hunter and find an ancient superweapon to save Humanity from extinction!
After a magical invasion of elves and dragons decimates a wounded Earth, former hardcore biker-turned smuggler Cooper Jacks must accept his calling as a Dragon Hunter and find an ancient superweapon to save Humanity from extinction!
[Completed in 2023] ~ Book One ~ A virus is spreading fast, turning the victims into zombies. Aiden and his friends have to somehow survive in a world where the undead now terrorizes everyone, but even some humans can't be trusted either. Nowhere is safe. [Warning: Contains strong language, violence, and sexual conte...
When a deadly plague spreads like wildfire, 17-year-old Bren Watts is trapped at Ground Zero of a global pandemic. ---- Bren and his classmates are stranded in New York City, now filled with thousands of murderous infected and desperate survivors. Forced into an unlikely alliance with his school bully and former frien...
I'm not sure what this will become. There are people who left traces in my heart. I want to write about them. If anyone reads this at all, be gentle. I'm not a writer, and not a native speaker. I'd love to get feedback if I messed up grammar or spelling.
When it comes to being alone, Alexandra Willow Mason is an expert. But being alone is not always the best option when the world is crawling with the undead. Not to mention, it's been almost a year since the apocalypse started. And as the brother-sister duo of Alexa and Chase stick together with the group of survivors...
Antarktika ist hochbegabt und besonders. Seit sie klein ist, wird sie behandelt, als sei sie nicht von dieser Welt und als sie das Angebot bekommt diese Welt wirklich zu verlassen, um mit anderen hochbegabten Jugendlichen eine Marsexpedition zu begehen, kann sie gar nicht anders als die Erde für immer zu verlassen. D...
Tonaufnahme Beginn/ Gehen wir davon aus, dass jeder Mensch eine Seele,eine Soul, besitzt. Der normale Mensch jedenfalls. Einige wenige unter uns sind aber nicht normal. Man nennt uns Twin Souls. Wir sind Seelen, die zweimal geboren wurden und jeweils die Hälfte des anderen bilden. Nur wissen wir von dem jeweils and...