Overly Attached (Male reader X Female Werewolf)
This is based off a video,So yeah
Ryder is a 13 year old lucario who met a new girl Alexis is also a lucario ,. but Alexis is bully by a charizard . But Ryder need to come out and tell Alexis his feeling for her or will she love Rayder.
Wie kann das sein? Pokemon? Auf unserem Planet? Ich würde es selbst nicht glauben aber es stimmt. Ein Junge, auf dem Weg nach Hause, findet mit seiner Freundin plötzlich ein Pokémon im Gebüsch. Wie kann es plötzlich Pokèmon in echt geben und was werden werden sie als nächstes machen? *Pausiert*
Luky hat es geschafft die Arena zu stürzen und damit das Spiel abgebrochen. Aber das ist erst der Anfang. Luky hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht das MeisterKapitol zu stürzen und damit die Kapitole aus Präsidentin Celebis Fängen zu befreien. Aber auch Präsidentin Celebi hat davon Wind bekommen und versucht Luky und sein...
Wieso tut uns Präsidentin Celebi sowas an? Ist ihr die Herrschaft über die ganzen TypKapitolen nicht genug? Diese Spiele sind das Grauen und sie zwingt uns dazu. Ich wusste nicht was das sollte. Wieso können wir nicht in Ruhe leben. Warum musste Präsidentin Celebi uns so etwas antun? Dieses Jahr bin ich selbst dran...
Lucario has been dealing with a lot of stress and he just can't take it anymore... The monster inside him takes full possession over his body constantly, causing poor Lucario to transform into his mega evolution form, before going into blind rage and killing other pokémon along with their trainers for no apparent reas...
Lucario has been dealing with a lot of stress and he just can't take it anymore... The monster inside him takes full possession over his body constantly, causing poor Lucario to transform into his mega evolution form, before going into blind rage and killing other pokémon along with their trainers for no apparent reas...
Meet Lukari. The selfless and gentle hearted Lucario priestess who has lived in the village of Noe Town for almost her entire life now. Everything happening in her normal life was quiet and peaceful until that one fateful day...When her days as a kind-hearted priestess and living in peace are over, complicated things...
Serenity is a 15 year old female Lucario who has been beaten, raped, and abused by her very own master who took her in ever since she was a Riolu. Eventually, she gets thrown out and abandoned after getting badly wounded and severely injured. Completely left in the wild for her to die alone. Without the knowledge on s...
So yeah. Imma just write this because I feel like it. It's gonna have an actual story... Yeah that's about it. Read this weirdness if you want!