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  • kate! ( admins.)
    940 91 11

    ❛ i think i'm lesbian ❜ in which you can meet the admins and apply to be one! cover: @lancemclame

  • tyler! (graphic shop.)
    671 20 4

    ❛ how come i'm losing all my friends to girls? ❜ in which we provide you with graphics.

  • oliver! (fic rates.)
    459 10 3

    ❛ jim carrey is the most underrated actor of our time! ❜ in which the admins rate your everything sucks fanfictions!

  • emaline! ( plot shop. )
    5.6K 112 13

    ❛ you're cooler for thinking you aren't cool ❜ in which the admins provide you with plots for your everything sucks stories!