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  • Locker Room (Larry Stylinson)
    378K 16.8K 23

    Louis has a crush on the football teams captain, Harry Styles. Louis is to shy to say anything to him so he simply indulges himself in going to everyone of Harry's games and secretly watching him change in the locker room.

  • pretty baby - (larry mpreg)
    63.7K 3.2K 12

    Louis is the 19 year old barista with a lot of insecurity problems and Harry is the 32 year old CEO with a kid. They probably aren't the best match, but did Harry ever care about what people think?

  • The Bad Boy and The Amputee
    107K 3.1K 14

    I was never a normal girl. It was when I turned sixteen that I became even less normal. When most girls turn sixteen, they have a big party. When I was sixteen, I took a summer trip with my parents. When most girls turn sixteen, they receive their first car. When I turned sixteen, I got in my first ca...

  • Breathe Me
    181K 5.5K 26

    In my panicked state I feel strong arms wrap around me, pulling me close. I inhale, his smell filling my senses. "You're safe now, just breathe me in." He says. My eyes close and the tears start to fall. "Shhhh, I won't let him get you. You're safe." I look up at him weakly, the guy I hate oh so much, holding me, it w...

  • His Royal Mate (boyxboy)
    248K 8K 14

    || In a world where humans live in poverty under the command of the supernatural, Alex Dunblane, is unaware his mate is searching for him. || In a world where supernatural rule, and keep humans as their slaves, King Everette Kellin, is unaware his mate is what he least expects. || Can the two men put aside their diff...

  • Saving The Omega {L.S.}
    376K 13.2K 26

    Louis Tomlinson is the only omega in his pack and most of the neighboring packs. The Styles pack is willing to help. But they don't know how lucky there were after finding him.