Kuroko No Basket Scenes
Just one of Kuroko no Basket characters randomness... Come and read their Chats, One shots, character x reader and etc.
Just one of Kuroko no Basket characters randomness... Come and read their Chats, One shots, character x reader and etc.
These are just random scenarios from the GoM and Taiga based on your point of view. Hope you enjoy it! And have a lovely day!
This is how I show love to fictional basketball players without armpit hair © Ruko Izumi | 2014 - 2015
"The only times we're fated to lose are in fictional stories. This is our drama! We decide what the plot will be!" -Kagami Taiga (Kuroko no Basket) ♡An oneshot collection for the diverse characters of Kuroko no Basket. ♡That Basketball Anime. ♡All types of oneshots available. (Lemon, Lime, Fluff, Angst, etc) ♡...