Raglak os collection By Anaz
Raglak os collection ...happy reading
Laksh married Ragini by his mothers wish. He was surprised when his mother come n asked him a favour. Laksh was confused as his mother never ever asked something from him no it was he who had a funful life with non authorities. He was allowed to everything n doesn't need to work as his father DP is a business tycoon. ...
Inspired by the ff I will destroy her requested by RaginiMia
It's based on Swaragini serial track... This is when Ragini's truth was exposed Swara, Sanskar and Laksh on Swasan's first real marriage. That was the right and best time when the dangerous, evil, obsessed Ragini could be changed to the simple, shy and innocent old Ragini whom everyone loves just by the love and care...
this story is on the track where swara came in between raglak and ragini who love lakshya unditional and and tejesswi the way she portray the character of different shades till now nobody can and swaragini going I think the main reason is director favoring swara even if not need in track like raglak kavya track the t...
Serial based How Laksh life changed when Swara enters his life as his Brother's wife
This is Sr track...here i am giving memory loss track.... like what will happen if rajat kidnapped ragini instead of swara... how everyone will react if ragini forgot all except her dad nd dhadhi in her life.... how laksh tried to impress ragini.... ?? we all knew how ragini loved laksh unconditionally in this f...