Horoscope Posts✨
Do these sayings actually represent who you are? Who are you really? Come look to see what your Zodiac feels and your personality. Credit to original owners, you're awesome.
Do these sayings actually represent who you are? Who are you really? Come look to see what your Zodiac feels and your personality. Credit to original owners, you're awesome.
Title says it all [Cover Art by Erraday] Copyright© 2015 | nerdycliffxrd (the original ninjago zodiacs btw ;) just saying)
[It's yours truly back with a second book in the Zodiac Signs series!] [One of the first authors to start a "zodiac signs" book, before everyone followed along on the choo choo train. That's right, I'm an original.] [This book is only reserved for perfectly unique, socially awkward, tragically gorgeous beauties in the...
[Zodiac/Horoscope daily readings and preferences] [One of the first original books] [The most relatable Zodiac Book you'll come across to] [Daily (not really) posts!] [More female orientated, but boys are equally welcome (:] [Note: These are not accurate, made for entertainment. Please no hate.] [Vote, comment and be...
Ever wondered which episode you are? What character? Which stuffed animal? Well, if you answered yes to any of those questions, then this is the curiosity manifesto for you! So read, vote, comment, and find out which animation error is the closest to a Capricorn!