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  • Roommates
    99.9K 3.1K 74

    What if your college roommate was the one person you cannot stand?

    Completed   Mature
  • The Awakening
    16.2K 967 41

    Recuperar el reinado de su ciudad mientras espera el nacimiento de su heredera parecen ser las prioridades de Klaus Mikaelson hasta que viejos conocidos llaman a su puerta con algo entre manos que puede suponer tanto su ruina como su ascenso a la más absoluta gloria. Las posibilidades se desdoblan y duplican y mientr...

    Completed   Mature
    13.9K 753 36

    Todos creían que su tiempo había pasado. Que con su muerte se había terminado su reinado y la Casa Targaryen jamás volvería a regir los Siete Reinos. Pero se equivocaron. Daenerys Targaryen ha vuelto de entre los muertos dispuesta a recuperar lo que le pertenece y a hacer justicia con quienes la traicionaron. Pero, e...

  • Valar Morghulis
    224K 14.9K 91

    El norte niega el llamado.

  • All it cost her ||Daenerys Targaryen & Jon Snow||
    84.8K 4.8K 33

    Despertar lejos de una ciudad que creía era suya, marcada con la muestra de traición de la mano de aquel que una vez sostuvo su corazón. La agonía era un sentimiento tan familiar en el umbral de sus recuerdos más tormentosos que ya no le quedaba más que heridas que no sanaban aún si dedicaba sus esfuerzos en ello, tan...

  • The Last War [Game of Thrones Season 8]
    26.3K 1.7K 24

    Daenerys, la última Targaryen y Reina de Westeros, llega a Winterfell para luchar en la Gran Guerra y ayudar al Norte a vencer a la nueva amenaza que se cierne sobre ellos: El Rey de la Noche y un vasto ejército de White Walkers y Wights, dispuestos a destruir a Westeros hasta los cimientos. Solo luego de superar est...

  • El Retorno del Dragón Tricéfalo
    32.9K 1.8K 53

    Apenas empezaba a esclarecer en Westeros, la nieve ya no caía más e iniciba a derretirse sobre el suelo dando paso a una nueva estación "La Primavera" aquella que tanto deseaban los westerosis pero junto a ella venia un nuevo régimen monárquico que significaría una nueva era dónde un dragón tricéfalo de gules en campo...

  • Crown of fire and blood
    16.3K 1K 14

    Daenerys una vez que consigue domar a sus dragones decide partir a la conquista de poniente con el apoyo de los hijos del hierro, sus numerosas tropas y Tyrion Lannister. ¿Poniente aceptará a su nueva reina?, ¿Qué casas aceptarán el regreso de los dragones? Solo una cosa es segura, que todo acabará con fuego y sangre...

    Completed   Mature
  • Game Of Thrones: The Many-Faced God
    50K 2.1K 61

    "Only death pays for life. " 400+ pages. Game of Thrones Season Eight alternate, starting just after the end of Season Seven. Told through multiple POV, focusing on all major characters, Jon and Daenerys, and the fulfillment of ancient prophecy. HBO canon supplemented with lore from ASoIaF Series. A few things/chara...

  • Hearts that beat fast (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)
    84.5K 1.8K 40

    There was just something about Catlin that had always made Barry wonder about her but he knew he had to keep her safe more then anything, Catlin didn't know how she felt about Barry until everything changed. And a visit to caitlins childhood home and a chance to meet this mysterious sister of her's she'd never mention...

  • Flash: Crise Infinita
    2.8K 124 24

    Com o desaparecimento de Wally West e a aposentadoria de Jay Garrick, Barry precisa correr contra o tempo para se tornar o homem mais rápido do mundo, enquanto Zoom ressurge e provoca o caos por Central City. Porém, essa busca acabará mostrando para Barry que o manto do Flash está ligado à ele há mais tempo do que ima...

  • Vuelve a mi
    3.7K 252 14

    ¡Hola a todos! Este fanfic gira en torno a la tercera temporada de The Flash y comienza después del episodio 3x07 (Killer Frost), causando muchas referencias al episodio. Y les informo que algunos eventos a lo largo de la historia no coinciden con la dirección que la serie ha tomado actualmente. ¡Espero que te guste!

  • Solo un destino [Snowbarry and Karry] ||TERMINADA||
    75K 3.8K 50

    Tras su separación con Iris West, Barry con el corazón roto busca ayuda en sus dos mejores amiga (Caitlin Snow y Kara Danvers) Tras una diferente perspectiva se da cuenta de que está atraído hacías las dos bellas chicas... pero la pregunta es, quien es su verdadero amor?

  • Minha pequena, Hope.
    21.3K 722 8

    E do dia para a noite, já pensou? Sua mulher decidiu parti junto a sua filha. Foi o caso de Barry. Havia se passado 5 anos e nunca recebeu notícia de Caitlin e muito menos da sua filha, Hope. Barry vivia tranquilo, cuidava de sua outra filha Nora, mas em seu coração havia um vazio ainda. Iris não conseguiu o que tan...

  • A Smiley Face On A Dull Day (snowbarry)
    38.1K 1.6K 36

    Caitlin's life is one people wish they had she'sw young beautiful has lots of friends a boyfriend and her parents are rich she's got alot going for her because she's smart and because of who her parents are she starts university and Weverything is perfect her life is perfect well to anyone who looked to her life. One...

  • Rebuilding a family (Snowbarry)
    13.6K 397 29

    It's been 12 years since Nora has seen Barry for the last time, since her mother took her away... But what if one day fate takes her back to her old city? Disclaimer: I don't own The Flash or any of its characters, all I own is my original story and characters

  • Changes After the Crisis (Snowbarry)
    71.6K 1.5K 82

    After losing everything, Cassandra "Cassie" Rose Snow-Allen begins a race against time to save her family from the Darkest Thunder, and prevent the tragedy from happening again. Disclaimer: I don't own The flash or its characters The only things I own are the plot and my original characters 1st in #snowbarry

  • The Girl From the Destroyed Future
    55K 1.2K 15

    Cassie Snow-Allen's life as she knows it is gone... One normal day, her entire world is erased from the timeline, and she only escapes by travelling back in time. Now, can she figure out how to stay alive with a doomdays timer on her arm and the suspicions of one Barry Allen on her? Will Cassie live, or will the timel...

  • Love is Family
    23.4K 1K 66

    Melissa and Chris are both single parents. Melissas Parenter/boyfriend from college left her when she was expecting. Chris was left with his twin girls when his partner decided that it wasn't for her when the twins were two, getting up and leaving with no contact since. Find out what happens when these two similar fa...

  • SnowBarry Memory Unlocked
    81.3K 2K 67

    Team Flash is working on something they haven't seen before. Werid things been happening and Barry is determined to find out what. But has he come too close to this? When the chase and Barry comes close to finding out the truth, something tragic happens and Team Flash to find a new way to find the solution. It be...

  • Uma Allen caida do Céu - SnowBarry
    21.5K 1.2K 25

    Sinopse:FANFIC SNOWBARRY - Ele correu atrás de um meteoro que cairia em Central City, Voltou pro laboratório carregando o "Meteoro". - Ele correu pra parar um meteoro, mais a garota em seus braços que o chamaria de pai. - Ele correu para parar um meteoro, só não sabia que o meteoro traria seu futuro. Ps: Esta é uma f...

  • The Legacy
    27.8K 1.4K 33

    Joshua, um jovem misterioso vindo do Futuro, aparece no STAR Labs com um aviso sombrio a respeito de um vilão chamado Paradox, que está focado em destruir o Flash. Barry e o time devem decidir se podem confiar no estranho recém-chegado, ao mesmo tempo em que enfrentam outro poderoso vilão.

  • Legacies
    28.8K 1.4K 29

    Barry e Caitlin eram apenas amigos, ao menos é oque parecia, mais a verdade é que já fazia alguns tempo que os dois se olhavam diferente, e geralmente quando estava só os dois, avia um clima... Caitlin não sabia oque estava acontecendo entre os dois oque deixava ela mais confusa. Porém quando uma garota saí da Força d...

  • Minha pequena
    44.7K 3K 24

    Caitlin e Barry sempre amigos, um ajudado o outro e Caitlin principalmente ao Barry, pois amigo tinha uma paixão em Íris West. Mais tudo da errado para Caitlin, pois em uma noite que saiu com seus amigos para balada acabou se envolvendo com Barry e se resultou em uma gravidez indesejável, ao invés de Caitlin contar a...

  • The Stories That Never Have Endings- (Snowbarry Soulmate Aus)
    28.3K 693 27

    Soulmate aus Some of these stories will end on cliff hangers unless I get lots of people asking me to continue the story. This is a one shot book filled with Soulmate Au I hope you like it. If not don't hate on it prompts are accepted and welcome April 2018

  • Bittersweet Love
    14.8K 292 24

    Barry saves Iris from the mirror verse and captures Eva Mcallouh. Everything returns back to normal only to be disrupted by the return of Killer Frost creating havoc in Barry's life. Set after season 6 and before season 7. [Snowbarry story]

  • Someone New To Be Crazy For (Book 1)
    14.8K 366 15

    After the particle explosion, Caitlin had a troubled mind after losing her fiancé Ronnie Raymond. But when Barry wakes up from the coma and they begin to spend time together at the lab, things begin to change. Caitlin starts to develop feelings for him. Just as she thought she could possibly be happy with Barry, he...

  • Love is Hope (Snowbarry)
    65.6K 1.3K 34

    It's been months after Barry woke up with superspeed. He has a crush on Caitlin Snow and finally worked up the nerve to ask her out. Find out with the adventures of Caitlin and Barry and experience the excitement.

  • Allens' Time Travel
    27.7K 709 25

    Nora West-Allen travells back in time to spend time with her parents before everything got messed up. Her life turned upside down, her mother and father married different people and she felt like she was in the middle. Even the slightest chance of seeing them in love would bring her joy, so she visited the timeline wh...

  • Conectados pelo amor
    15.7K 1.2K 23

    Após a prisão de Barry, a unica coisa que restava era descobrir quem matou Iris e porque incriminou o Barry. Fora tentar controlar os metas na cidade sem o Flash por perto e indentificar visitantes da terra 2. Continuação de EM UMA OUTRA VIDA.
